JHAR 2019/1


I. Iliev. Bronze Arrowheads of the Thracian Age from the Fund of the Historical Museum–Dalgopol

M. Hristov. Roman Belt Fittings from “Shishmanovo kale“, near the Town of Samokov

V. Miteva. Professional Associations (Collegia) in Moesia Inferior – Evidence of their Religious Activity

G. Todorov. The Outer City of Pliska in the 11th Century

V. Goranchev. The Ambassadorial Prikaz and its Role in Managing the Visits of the Orthodox East’s Representatives in Russia during the 17th Century

O. Aliyev. Selected Sources for the History of Vetovo and its Surroundings

D. Georgiev. The Role of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the Life of the Provadians between the Two World Wars

Т. Simeonova. International Relations, the Balkans and the Bulgarian-Yugoslav Pact – 24.01.1937 (Part 2)

H. Milkov. De Gaulle – the Last Great Man in the History (The 120th Anniversary of the General)

Ya. Tachev. Metric Parameters and Denominations of Serdica’s Provincial Coins

Ya. Tachev. New Types and Variants of Serdica’s Provincial Coins

N. Mitev. Denarius of Lucius Verus (161–169) from the Region of Provadia

M. Klasnakov, V. Varbanov. Coin Hoard from Village of Dabovitsa (Former Shehovo), Burgas District

L. Vassilev. Bronze Follis of Roman Usurper from Carthage – Domitius Alexander from Plovdiv

L. Vassilev. Bronze Numus of the Vandal Kingdom in Northern Africa from the Region of Bourgas

R. Ivanov. Ottoman Coins from Plovdiv (14th–15th Centuries)

K. Dimov. Three Groschens of Sigismund III Vasa (1587–1632) Strucked in the Mint of Riga


List of Authors